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ADVANCED RESEARCH...Select records according with the following criteria

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Constrained search criteria: Energy Efficiency area projects(LAERTE)

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ERROR: eseguiqueryAdvanced.001 [Microsoft][Driver ODBC Microsoft Access] Parametri insufficienti. Previsto 1.
ERROR NUMBER: -2147217904

Select distinct [Title], [Acronym], iif(len(URL)=0 and len(imgLogo)>0, [imgLogo]) as [imgLogo1£#£], iif(len(URL)>0 and len(imgLogo)>0, 'Logo '+[Acronym]+'') as [gettami£#£], [Abstract] as [Abstract#], [start_date],[end_date] as [_end_date], [url_reference], [Large_Description] as [Descrizione££], [start_date] as [Data iniziale££], [end_date] as [_Data conclusione££], [url_reference] as [URL££], [IPR_Ita] as [IPR (proprietą intellettuale risultati)££], [achievements] as [Risultati££], [innovation] as [Innovazione££], [keywords] as [keywords££], ID as [ID££] from [Progetti-vista] WHERE ([id_lab££]=1) ORDER BY [start_date] DESC ;